the landing

June 2, 2013

Novel Updates

I’m in the planning stage for a fourth novel. No details on it due to my creative paranoia—the fear that if I talk too much about it, I won’t complete it.
January 10, 2013

The Landing Now Available for Kindle

I hope your new year is going well!
January 2, 2013
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers: The Landing by John Herrick

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers: The Landing by John Herrick

Much thanks to the "chef" at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers blog for reviewing my novel.
August 23, 2012

The Landing Arrives August 28

Thanks for being patient with me! At long last, my new novel, The Landing, hits shelves this Tuesday, August 28, but is available for order now!
July 31, 2012

The Landing – Special Pre-order Offer

A big thank you to all who have asked about the street date for the new novel, The Landing!
April 22, 2012

The Landing New Book Cover

For those who have asked about The Landing, the upcoming novel with a late August street date, I have a glimpse of the new cover here!
January 2, 2012
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

On the home front, our Christmas was extra special because I finally got to meet my baby niece, who lives halfway across the country.