NEWS | New Website Design & Other Updates

NEWS | New Website Design & Other Updates

Thank you, readers, for all the kind words and for inviting me into your lives.

At long last, we’ve revamped my author website and the designers did such a terrific job! We improved the user experience and—drum roll—actually made it mobile friendly. Check it out for yourself at!

While you’re there, feel free to send me a message. I love hearing from readers.

I’m sitting at Starbucks, working on what should be the final revision for a novel, the one with the Marilyn Monroe clue. This will put two more completed novels in the pipeline. Right now, it looks like a new novel in 2017, followed by a another one probably 12-18 months later. Both are romantic comedy-dramas.
If all goes well, I hope to start planning the next one this autumn. It’s a suspense concept with a character I hope to turn into a series. We’ll see how that goes, but I’m intrigued by this protagonist. The first planned project blends pop culture, American history, and a spiritual angle—but we’ll see how it goes after the concept marinates. So excited! In the research phase right now.

There’s a reason you’re alive today. Hang in there. Know you’re loved.

Thanks again for reading.

Never give up!

John Herrick

Today’s Playlist:
City City by City City (I just discovered this band last night. Love them!)