The Beautiful Mess blog tour begins in July. Come along for the ride! You’ll find a ton of interviews, guest posts, and book reviews.
Dates and links are below. I’ll add more dates as they become known, so keep checking back!
Meanwhile, you can watch me ramble about the book on my YouTube channel.
July 26: Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers (Pre-pub party!)
July 30: Book Readers Heaven
July 31: Christine Young
August 1: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews // Hit and Run FREE on Kindle
August 2: Dear Reader, Love Author // Books, Dreams,Life // Hit and Run FREE on Kindle
August 3: Conversations Live (radio interview) // The Writers Life eMagazine (interview) // Sharing Links and Wisdom
August 4: BooksChatter
August 6: Hit and Run FREE on Kindle
August 7: T’s Stuff // Hit and Run FREE on Kindle
August 8: Straight from the Author’s Mouth // EskieMama and Dragon Lady Reads
August 9: Straight From the Library
August 10: The Dark Phantom // This and That Book Blog
August 11: As the Pages Turn // Readeropolis
August 14: Long and Short Reviews
August 15: Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic // Queen of All She Reads
August 16: The Avid Reader
August 17: It’s Raining Books
August 18: Books Direct
August 21: Two Ends of the Pen
August 21: Writers and Authors
August 22: Blogger News // Mixed Book Bag
August 23: Blog Critics // Nesie’s Place
August 23: Independent Authors
August 24: Just Books